Anime Watchlist - TikTok Follow Along

This is Part 1 of the series. Part 2 is here.

In the spirit of bringing all those who wish to follow along with a WILD ride I have decided to embark on, I’ll be keeping track of the anime watchlist being reaction shared on TikTok.

I hope to flip-flop these lists eventually - but we will start with watching anime and their reaction videos.

TikTok Series

Watchlist criteria: most are shorter series, never before seen, recommended from the TikTok algorithm or comments on videos

The next collection in the series will be on this page: TikTok Follow Along Parts 51 - 100

I also started a My Anime List page and will be tracking what I can!

Happy Watching!!

Yebba Debba

Aka the Hype Queen, Leather Jacket Gundam Girl, and also an extreme butthead. <3


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