Stock Market 101 Talk


If you joined us for your Stock Market 101 talk where we discussed the following:

  • Stock Market 101 - What is the Stock Market?

  • GME Trading - Climax Events & Key Players

  • Explained: Why did it happen the way that it happened?

  • My Opinion Section: “I am not on the side of the Hedge Fund Managers, but I also don’t like anybody in this.”

  • Cautionary Tale: trouble for the future and why we have to be careful what we ask for. 

You can access the presentation here if you would like to review the contents inside.:

I did not make a Twitch Highlight of this video from Feb 2 (oops!) so, I will link the YouTube video or a reupload to Twitch after it is done being edited and cut down.

Thank you again for your interest in the Get Shit Done Talks - they bring me an immense amount of joy to do and I appreciate any time we can have chats like these.

Your input and conversation are so very welcome in this space - thank you!

Yebba Debba

Aka the Hype Queen, Leather Jacket Gundam Girl, and also an extreme butthead. <3


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