I Started a YouTube

In January of this year, I finally launched a YouTube! This was something I mulled around for some time before committing fully to the task. Thanks to some great help behind the scenes - I hope to keep video footage from all our gameplay sessions here.

While I appreciate the Highlight feature in Twitch, it just seemed laborious to keep remembering to archive your past broadcasts. They also seemed to sit there instead of being watched - so this way there’s a bit more searchability, customization of content, and availability of the footage!

How’s it going so far?

We have a few major playlists up as full gameplay playthroughs!

Other great things to be found on the channel":

I look forward to seeing this channel grow and thank everyone who has been so kind in their support so far!

Game on and Enjoy!! <3

Yebba Debba

Aka the Hype Queen, Leather Jacket Gundam Girl, and also an extreme butthead. <3


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