90 Days of Focus - Habit Building
This article examines my yearly plan of 90 Days of Focus. I participate in these concentrated efforts to build good habits, destroy “bad” ones, and create new routines to help keep these lifestyle changes. My stream where we had great discussions is also included!
#EileenStrong - 2018, 2019, and Beyond
#EileenStrong is a passion project on Twitch that combines the generosity of our community, the goals we have to support my Aunt in her rehabilitation, and how far we have come in just two short years.
Losing 100+ Pounds & What Comes Next
In 2019, I reached an all time life goal of getting my health in order. My work over 7 years, 1 surgery, changing my lifestyle completely, and having periods of focus created the life I have today. Question is, do I keep up what I did all those years? Have I reached a happy medium? Is this “good enough”?